Ride The Bike Prior To The Triathlon Race

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to be able to perform your best in a triathlon competition. You might be riding the best equipments and gears in the world but without enough strength, training and willingness to outdo everybody else, your investments may be mere nothing.

Aside from the entry ticket, you are sure to finish the race with a great sense of achievement at a minimal cost and lots of hardwork.

For starters, verging into a triathlon competition is really a task. After all, the same is true for the triathlon warriors. So anything worth starting with will do. You need not punch holes in your pockets for a new bike, it is best to test the waters first. You might spend grand on the latest gears only to find out later that triathlon is not your stuff. Make do with what you have first and later decide if triathlon lifestyle is truly yours to live.

The bike stage takes most of the course in a triathlon race. This is the make it or break it ground. The edge you have earned earlier with the swim stage would mean nothing if you tarry on the second leg of the race. The easiest option you can choose is to play with the crowd and stick with them if you can’t get over them.

With this idea in mind, you can rest assured that the best training you may have is group training. There are regular weekend bikers that will help you get better. You may practice on your own but crowded biking is different from solo biking.

What’s good with these folks is that they understand the techniques of training and so if you are a beginner, you’ll be given the advantage of benefiting from those that will give allowances for trainees like themselves. But beware, training in this manner will cause you to react in two ways- to find your comfort zone or to bring out the best from you by encouraging you to be like the best of them. Nevertheless, they may still pass on some tips that will better your game. Like with swimming, you may get the kicks of the person swimming in front of you but that way, you will be trained.

Triathlon biking may look like plain biking at first sight but when we incorporate the principles of aerodynamics and endurance in it, then that we can say it is a different story.

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